Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Anticipation of Participation with a Sibling Relation

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers are denied the freedom to be open about their love and are, by law, denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law.

This is probably a first for this blog. This time, we're interviewing someone who is planning to inaugurate physical consanguinamory into their relationship.


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Anonymous: I’m a 25 year old woman living in Tampa, Florida. I work as a hotel manager of sorts. I’m not there yet, but my boss sure does like to give me all the work related with the job title. I’m Hispanic and Jewish, which is not what most people expect, and my favorite hobbies are dancing, laying on my hammock, and yes it counts as a hobby, and watching soccer games just to hear the announcer say "Gooooal!" I like reading Russian literature, planting trees, Ikebana and collecting currencies of countries that no longer exist. 

FME: What's your gender, sexual orientation, and relationship orientation?

I'm female, and my sexual orientation is largely straight. I say largely because I have kissed a few girls here and there, but overall I’m straight. And so far I’ve been monogamist. 

FME: Who do you live with?

I currently live with my parents and my younger biological brother. The bother we are talking about is my full-blooded brother. 

FME: What was your childhood like? Was sexual diversity a topic discussed in your home? Can you describe your sexual awakening? How did you discover your orientation?

My childhood was rather typical of someone growing up under a very politically progressive household. Very few topics were taboo at the table. Our parents would always have "radical" professors over and lots of what would be deemed as "controversial" topics for kids to hear were spoken in plain sight. Of course our parents being very liberal, alternative sex was widely discussed in the home. Our parents were and still are quite committed to LGBTQ and other minority rights. 

As for my sexual awakening, it happened like it did for most people, around puberty. The first time I had sex I was 14 and the guy was 15. My parents found out, but rather than freak out they gave us condoms. No joke. 

How did I realize my sexual orientation? I don’t know, when you are attracted to the opposite sex you just feel it I guess. It’s the same for everyone, gay or straight, you just know. 

I first accepted consanguinamory as a right not unlike any other LGBTQ right around the same time I became sexually active. I felt that if I could enjoy the beauty of consensual intimacy with someone from my school without any repercussions, then why not siblings who felt the same urge? 

FME: Have you had experiences or feelings for other family members?

I’ve not had any such feelings for other family members. My younger brother obviously has such feelings for me, and I’m quite happy that he does. I don’t feel it’s a negative thing that he feels this way. In fact I find it quite healthy. He’s younger and hasn’t had much if any sexual experience, and his desire to gain such experience with his big sister is not only brave, as most would never come out of that closet, but unbelievably sweet. 

FME: Does anyone else know what is going on?

I don’t think anyone in the family knows of his true feelings for me. Yes our parents have seen us as being quite close, even physically, like me sitting on his lap or us just spooning together on the couch, but I doubt they’ve thought much past it. Sometimes they can be too absorbed in their own hobbies to notice us smooching or holding hands. Those are kisses without tongue.

FME: Have you been aware of anyone you know who has been involved in consanguinamory?

I met one girl in college who was in such a relationship with her dad. She initially panicked when she realized that I knew. But I reassured her that I had no intention whatsoever to out her, and that she could count on me to be her friend and confidant if she wanted. 

My other contact with people in consanguine relationships was when I traveled to Tel Aviv last year. Tel Aviv, by the way, is known as an LGBTQ Mecca. There, I spoke with perhaps half a dozen or so Israeli youth who told me that romantic sibling relationships were practically as common as any other relationship, especially in the very liberal and gay districts of Tel Aviv. 

FME: What are your plans?

I will let my brother have the time of his life with me. It would be wrong of me to deny him a deeper aspect of our sibling love, especially since he’s confessed his feelings and I have been supportive, at least vocally. 

FME: What do you expect that will be like?

Well, physically, I have a pretty good idea. Emotionally? I won’t know until I’ve tried it. I imagine our sibling bond, which is already very strong, will be further strengthened when we consummate our love. I want to envision an experience for him that will last him the rest of his life. That will guide his approach to love and lovemaking.


It's illegal in Florida, and 46 other states, for siblings to have sex. Why? There’s no good reason. They love each other as siblings already. He has made it clear he wants an addition bond. She is willing to explore that possibility. Why is there a law against this?

You can read other interviews I have done here. As you'll see, there are people from all walks of life who are in consanguinamorous relationships.

If you are in a relationship like this and are looking for help or others you can talk with, read this.
If you want to be interviewed about your "forbidden" relationship, connect with me by checking under the "Get Connected" tab there at the top of the page or emailing me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.

If you know someone who is in a relationship like this, please read this. If you are having romantic or sexual feelings for a sibling or other close family member, this might help. If you think someone in your family has such feelings for you, this might help.

Thank you to Anonymous for doing this interview! We wish you well in your consanguinamorous relationship. We look forward to hearing how things progress.

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