Friday, August 7, 2015


According to Taoist principals there are times and circumstances under which it is considered unwise to have sex. Good health requires that Qi be balanced within the organs and meridians of the body. Sexual activity, for all its pleasure, concentrates the body's Qi in the genital area. This, in turn, leaves the rest of the organs and the body vulnerable to outside influences. 

Taking in energy from the Universe is usually beneficial, but at certain times and in certain circumstances problems can arise. The likelihood of problems arising from sexual activity under these circumstances is so high, that they have become known as 'The Forbiddens.' Damage, in these circumstances, refers not just to physical damage, but to damage at the emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Damage, emotionally, according to Taoist principals, will almost always lead to a physical manifestation of some sort, even if it is not apparent right away.

In the West, we are prone to ignoring things until they show up in the body. If you feel anything but loving and intimate about a sexual encounter, either at the time or afterwards, this would be considered 'damage' in the Taoist view.

The Forbiddens
1. When a person is drunk. Someone already over stimulated by alcohol, may suffer damage from the added stimulation of sex.
2. When a person is under the influence of drugs - either recreational or prescription. Foreign substances in the body create an imbalance which may be exacerbated by sexual activity.
3. During sex, the genitals are energized at the expense of the rest of the body. It is best to refrain from sexual activity when extremely fatigued.
4. Sexual activity is forbidden during a serious illness as this will further deplete the body.
5. A person with Venereal disease or Hepatitis should refrain from sexual activity as the body needs energy to heal itself.
6. Wait 90 days following surgery. The body needs its energy to heal.
7. Refrain from sexual activity for 12 - 24 hours following an Acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture balances the Qi of the body. Sexual activity unbalances it.
8. During pregnancy, sexual intercourse may harm the fetus, which is otherwise at peace in the mother's womb. The effect is like an earthquake to the baby. This is particularly essential during the last trimester. During pregnancy it is the Mother's job to protect the foetus and should refrain from violent or strenuous activity, as she should protect herself from emotional stress and upset. Qigong exercises are recommended. both for physical strengthening and emotional balance.
9. During menstruation the vagina is open and vulnerable to infection and harm. Sex should be avoided.
10. There is a saying never go to bed angry. Anger creates toxic and chaotic Qi, which is intensified during sex.
11. Wait at least 30 minutes following a hot bath or shower, Hot water stimulates the body. Sex will further stimulate causing an imbalance.
12. Wait 60 minutes following eating. Sexual activity takes energy away from the digestive process and may cause an imbalance.
13. Immediately after urination. Wait 10 - 20 minutes. Not only is there the chance of transferring germs, but for men, the penis is stimulated in a different way in urination and an imbalance could result.
14. With the eyes open. Eyes are the 'window to the soul.' Much energy is lost through the eyes. Since sex concentrates the body's energy in the genitalia, other parts of the body should be protected. This is particularly true for men. Internal focus is important.
15. One should not have sex in a moving vehicle. Qi could become very chaotic resulting in serious imbalances.
16. One should not have sex in church, or other sacred sites. According to Taoists the spirits who inhabit these sites could become jealous. While this may be no more than a superstition, I think most people have a natural reluctance to desecrate sacred sites.
17. During battle, or conflict of any time in the area. The surrounding energy will be dangerously chaotic.
18. During a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or similar violent act of nature, it is unwise to have sex for the same reason.
19. It is unwise to have sex during a Full Moon which is a time of high energy and over-stimulation, or during a New Moon, which is a time of low energy and depletion.
20. It is unwise to have sex at sunset as this is a time of low energy.
21. It is unwise to have sex during the Summer and Winter Solstices. These are times of change in the Earth's electro-magnetic field and Qi is very chaotic.

Conceiving a Child.
Children are very important in any society. Conception is a sacred act in most philosophies. The Taoists took this responsibility very seriously. The following are guidelines for conceiving a child.
1. It is unwise to conceive a child if either parent is drunk or alcoholic. A child born from these conditions will have liver problems, nervous conditions and susceptibility to mental illness.
2. Conceiving a child when either of the parents is extremely tired will result in a sickly child with little resistance to disease.
3. Conceiving a child during battle in wartime will result in a hyperactive child with a violent nature. This also applies to more personal battles, such as divorce, family power struggles, and upset of any kind at the personal or family level. Pregnant woman should never fight.
4. Conceiving during a hurricane or a violent storm of any kind will result in a child with low resistance to disease.
5. Conceiving a child during a sunset will result in a child with eye problems.
6. A child conceived by a parent under the influence of drugs will have nervous and/or mental problems.
7. It is essential that parents make every effort to be in good health themselves, by eating well, exercising, thinking positively, and conceive in a pleasant and peaceful environment.

According to Taoist principals it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that succeeding generations are strong and healthy. Conceiving a child is a serious matter that requires much thought and consideration. It is a basic tenet of Taoist belief that the family is the backbone of any society. A strong family structure is reflected in a strong culture and society. No family is strong if the individuals are weak.
Taoists then take great pains to assure that potential couples are compatible at all levels.
To the Taoist it is not only bad form but downright uncivilized for people to procreate like animals with little or no thought for the results. It is quite harmful for both parent and child to conceive for any ulterior purpose.

Couples who love each other and are concerned for their children make sure that sex is always done in pleasant, peaceful surroundings and often enhanced with mild herbal teas, creams, candles and scents. In this, Feng Shui is often applied, and the I Ching consulted prior to having sex. In Taoist philosophy, 'making love' is more than just a euphemism. It is a bonding between 2 people that reflects the bonding between human and Divine, and is undertaken in that light. Children are never a mistake.