Thursday, June 9, 2016

Captain America: Civil War - SPOILERS

If you haven't seen the movie and don't want anything at all spoiled, don't read this entry until you see the movie.

Okay your choice.

Hayley Atwell has been cited in various news outlets as upset about the "incestuous" aspect of Captain America/Steve Rogers kissing a character that is the great-niece of a previous love interest. For example, at Gina Carbone reports, using "incestuous" in the headline...

Hayley Atwell has strong feelings about Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) hooking up with Peggy Carter's great-niece Sharon (Emily VanCamp) in "Captain America: Civil War." Atwell shared her comments with smiles and her usual cheeky humor, but she seems pretty sure Peggy would not approve of Cap's new love interest.
And why?
"I just feel that, you know - I wouldn't want to date my great-aunt's guy," she continued. "It just feels like it crosses an incestuous boundary. And Peggy just died. That's even more disrespectful, right? It's like, 'don't touch that."' You can't tap that!"
What do you think?
Sharon and Cap have a smooch in "Civil War" and are a couple in the Marvel comics, but Atwell isn't the only one not quite buying their relationship on screen. That led some fans to push for Cap to have a boyfriend (preferably Bucky) in the next films.
Well that would be some interesting representation. There were similar reports elsewhere, including, and

And one scene that definitely felt…odd…was Captain America taking a moment from being on the run and hunted by the government and Tony Stark, to wrap Agent 13 aka Sharon Carter in his arms, and plant on a kiss on her. The romantic beat was also played off comedically with Falcon and Bucky watching from a distance and giving encouragement to their bro, but it didn’t shake off the fact that Steve was putting the moves on Sharon not long after Peggy Carter (Sharon’s great aunt), a woman he loved, had died. Weird.
I fail to see what the problem is if someone is affectionate with someone who is related by consanguinity or affinity to someone else the first person has been affectionate with before, especially if they're polyamorous or the previous relationship is over (as it definitely is in this case). Don't like it? Don't do it. There's no problem with fictional characters being together, or real people being together.

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