Saturday, July 4, 2015

Healing Harmonically Through The Power Of Soul

By Dorthy Lloyd

When it comes to self-improvement, there are a number of ideologies based on current and future behaviors. For, while it has been stressed that mind over matter can help individuals through tough times in similar publications of the past. Now, it is believed that recognizing the power of soul is the key to such transformation.

One reason for this being the case, is that the author believes by healing or repairing a soul, all connected beings are also healed. An ideology, often brought forth by a shared belief that all life is connected. As such, it is also believed that there is a directive for each soul and that once these souls find this directive, then and only then can the world truly become one in health, one in spirit, one in well being.

While there are a plethora of self-help books on the market and have been for years, this is the first series to focus on creating the power to heal from within. Most often, those working in the industry have good ideas though ideas that will not work to help heal the inner-spirit. Unfortunately, without a healthy sense of spirit, physical well being can often also be out of reach.

It is a publication that offers the power to transform oneself from living in a place of darkness into a place light. The principles of focusing on a conscious choice to live from a place peace, love, harmony and hope help to revive body, mind and spirit. Though, in this case, it is the spirit which is undergoing rehabilitation and repair rather than mind or body.

Other books in the series focus on cause and effect, prevention of illness and how to create a better life overall. So, while this publication focuses mostly on spiritual healing, there are others in the healing body and mind are just as important. By breaking the series into several different publications, the author hopes that all healing will spread throughout the universe and not only to those who take the time to work through the process.

In some cases, the information provides insight into how to recognize different treasures which are locked within every human being. In building the process and systems associated with the publication, the author has found a number of successes with regards to self-improvement and improvement of those who have followed the steps and guidelines developed throughout the series.

The author empowers readers to apply these and other similar teachings in a way that can transform individuals from a place of darkness into a world of light. A result that comes from the idea that there is a divine direction for each human being during this 15,000 year old soul era which began on August 8, 2003. While the focus of a date and time span may seem beyond belief, there have been a number of positive testimonials by those who have read and worked through the entire series, including this book which relates to the soul rather than the physical aspects of the healing process.

Each person must decide for oneself, if and what type of self-help programs and publications will work best for different times in life. As this series works to help identify and use different aspects which may lie in the unconscious, most believe it is worth a try. Whereas, there are others, especially those whom have no belief in a soul which may find the series anything other than successful when it comes to healing, whether on a personal or worldwide basis.

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