Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Getting Familiar With Facelifts Somerville

By Olive Pate

Most people these days are obsessed with looking young. This not only happens for women but also men. That is why there are increasing patients for facelifts Somerville. This is a surgical procedure that helps get rid of any signs of aging. This treatment focuses on the face and neck which often give away the age of a person.

There is no way surgery will be done on the patient before some form of pretreatment. This means medicine to numb the pain must first be administered. The patient can be awake or deep in slumber land as all this goes on. The final decision will be based on what the individual and the doctor agree upon.

Surgical blades will be used to cut all the necessary places before the treatment goes in. Often times the area above and around the ear is used. Since the skin of an individual is often worked on the skin near the chin must be cut. Somerville NJ doctors will now have access to the skin and whatever is underneath it for the purpose of the medical procedure.

This means that the individual will not have a full face but one that looks sleek. Underneath the skin is a special layer of tissue that is the basis of this cosmetic procedure. This tissue is what is rearranged in a manner deemed appropriate. Most times this happens through folding it or pulling it back. This helps lift the cheeks of the patient and make the neck firmer.

All this also helps improve the look of the jawline. That is all that is involved in all this. Later on the whole thing is closed up by placing the skin right. Due to the changes made, there might be excess skin. The surgeon will be forced to cut what is in excess. Once this is done stitches will have to be made and special glue can help with the same purpose.

There are disadvantages to deciding to have this procedure done. Often times having work done by someone who is an amateur will have you regretting so much. First of all the results will be nothing you have ever imagined. One could end up with super tight skin that makes them look like a clown. There can also be infections to the tissue.

The incisions will lead to scars. These are nothing to be alarmed about as they are normal. Moreover, they are bound to improve. At times one may end up being surprised by the price they will be asked to pay. This happens when a couple of treatments need to be done so that everything turns out right. Much rest is necessary for one to regain their strength.

When done right the patient will end up looking great. Perhaps just like a younger version of themselves or even better. This often gives them a new found confidence. Moreover, all the problem areas will have been dealt with. Making this move enables an individual to stay the same for a couple of years ranging between five to ten years.

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