Tuesday, July 7, 2015

All That You Should Know About Neuropsychology NYC Career

By Eula Clarke

The brain is the central organ of the body that reveals personality and generates behavior. Neuropsychology NYC is the object of study and understanding for many medical fields. Neuropsychology, in particular, is the study of brain function and also dysfunction. Practicing in this area is an interesting and challenging career in the medical/healthcare field that requires long study and preparation.

A practitioner in this field is called a neuropsychologist. Their expertise more specifically deals with the treatment of brain injuries and illnesses. Cognitive functions and behaviors will be altered consequently. A brain expert is expected to be prepared mentally and psychologically for the task. This field is a combination of neurology and psychology. An expert-to-be must take units reflecting these subjects.

A master's degree is required and a Ph. D. Is recommended for a serious practitioner. This is another two to four years of higher education. When the career is assumed, the graduate will look into a relevant professional organization and establish membership. The development of a full-fledged practice can take many years. Advice is forthcoming from mentors and colleagues in the field.

Experience in the field follows this intense study program. Upon completion of all the necessary requirements, one may also elect to become a member of a professional organization to make contacts and find mentors. Much valuable information can be cleaned from these sources. Then one decides to go into private practice or work for an institution such as a hospital or mental facility.

A neuropsychologist conducts many research works. This field always has various advancements and as a practitioner, he must always be up to date. Research includes studying for animal and human brain functions. Practitioners who research more usually work in universities and private facilities.

Neuropsychologists observe patients with brain anomalies by means of their overt behavior. They conduct interviews and tests to confirm observation. High tech scans are useful in this regard.

Treatment follows diagnosis and may include surgery, therapy, and medication.

After careful assessment, the doctor will propose various methods for curing the illness. Surgery, medication and therapy are the three most common suggestions. However, just undergoing one of these methods can cure a patient. Others with a more severe case will have to undergo various methods. Treatment is not chronological as well. Medication usually is the first method. There are cases however that can be cured with therapy and then supplemented with medicines. Some after undergoing operation, suffer from side effects which need more medicine or a more advanced therapy.

This career can be lucrative depending upon the location of practice and the years in business. As one gains tenure in a university clinical setting, for example, one can advance continually. The amount earned by a neuropsychologist can range from the mid-seventies to over one hundred thousand dollars per year. As with any career, it is a matter of time and experience. Expect around $185,000 at the highest level. Money is not always the object when it comes to this professional field.

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