Friday, June 26, 2015

Knowing How To Build A Close Relationship With God

By Francis Riggs

It becomes an amazing thing to develop an intimate affiliation on God. It reflects a totally reborn heart because it is just those who are already in Christ desire this. It should be kept in mind that there is no point in the life of Christians will one get close to our Lord as they would wish for. The reason is persistent sinning on the part of human beings. Sin is an obstacle preventing us from achieving complete communion through the Lord. Below is a discussion about how to build a close relationship with God.

The first step to take towards achieving this is making confession a daily habit. He has promised to forgive us once we confess the sins we have committed. It is forgiveness which reinstates any relationship that is or has been on the rocks.

People should know that confession is not just words written. It should come from the deepest part of your heart after realizing that fin is the worst offense to the Holy Spirit. It is repentance for someone who realizes that Jesus died to save human.

Secondly comes listening to God. Many Christians of today are after getting supernatural experiences of actually hearing God speaking to them. According to apostle Peter however there is more sure thing, the bible which Christians should pay attention to like a light shown in darkness until the dawn comes and rises in your heart. Christians have to read the bible regularly as this is how God speaks to us through His spirit who helps us understand the bible teachings.

Having regular prayers is brings you closer to God. We can only speak to Almighty through prayers as he speaks to us through the Bible. Do not pray only when you are in problems. Reading the psalms in the bible is also praying, which can improve how you relate with the creator. The psalms adore, have contrition, supplications and poems of thanksgiving to God.

A congregation worshiping God is good for you. When you regularly worship with others, you will have spiritual growth. Attending the church on regular basis does not only bring you back to God, but also gives you a chance to worship with other members of the church. Worshiping as a group helps us build a closer connection to the creator.

A life of obedience makes you a closer child of God. The bible displays rewards to people who obeyed, to show us that those who obey shall receive the grace of the lord and his salvation as well. Salvation comes from repentance and living according to the will of God. Obedience shows that we are grateful to Creator for his mercies.

So when you ask for forgiveness, have bible study sessions, join the congregation to worship him and obey his words, you will without doubt have an excellent relationship on him. It is not that simple. You can use examples of how you relate through other people to know this. Those who stay together, have regular encounters, express their feelings openly and listen well as the others speak have fair relationships. This is also how you should relate with God and be his companion.

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