Saturday, June 20, 2015

Important Information On The Navicular Syndrome In Horses

By Freida Michael

Across the world, many farmers have grown interest in horse keeping. The government has joined in by ensuring they receive the required education on how to keep them in a health way. They are taught on the various conditions that might affect the animals and the signs to look at for them to note danger. They are trained on the how to take care for the pony. Some institutions teach such farmers on how to treat them. The most common condition suffered by these animals is the navicular syndrome in horses.

A horse with this condition has some burning pain in their hooves. Fluctuating of coffin bone and the increased blood flow causes the pain. You need to make sure their hooves need regular trimming. The trimming will help avoid this condition. The way you keep the footing of a horse determines how the hooves grow and wear.

The bone becomes immobile causing poor blood circulation in the hooves. If the condition is not treated on time, the coffin bone sinks into the floor of hoof and may even pierce the hoof bottom. Only the front feet experience this condition but even the other feet are affected. Animals that are stall-kept and are used for manual work are at higher risk to get this problem. Avoid loading your horses with heavy loads.

What really happens is that the bones can no longer move they become fixed in that position. This leads to poor circulation of blood in its legs. The problem continues to grow until the coffin bone starts to sink deep inside. This might lead to the piercing the bottom part of the hoof. Once the front legs are affected all the other falls victim.

If not detected on time the condition grows gradually causing lameness on the front legs of the horse. During the early stages, you cannot detect the problem, as it gets worse over time. You need to be very observant from when it is born and note any change of its behavior. In many cases, the condition is identified when it has already grown and it cannot be cured.

Continuous checkups and reviews by an expert will help detect any illness at an early stage. If a condition is detected early enough it can be easily treated and controlled. The expert will be able to recommend the correct medication.

Once you notice your pony placing its weight on its toe regularly, something is not fine with its hooves. Call a doctor to come and review it. They will place all their weight on the toes as a way of avoiding pressure on their heel. The heel is already inflamed in the born and bursa. The confirmation is responsible for the small size of the heel.

Making uneven turns, and reluctance to lengthening strides or when going forward are another sign. Observe if they are resting with their weight resting on their toes. Spend time with the animal to observe all this signs.

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